亚太地区拥有世界上最大和增长最快的经济体的很大一部分. 这么多, 事实上, that it currently is the growth engine of world, generating over 50 percent of global growth, 这个数字还会进一步增加. APAC is also home to 22 of the world’s 37 megacities. 预计该地区将在未来几年内成为世界上最大的市场.


对许多公司来说,在该地区站稳脚跟已变得至关重要,原因很简单,因为这里的机遇已经成熟. 许多大型PG电子官方免费下载工业公司已经在那里拥有强大的传统, having entered the market several decades ago. 结果是, PG电子官方免费下载的产品和品牌在质量和尖端技术方面享有盛誉. But entering APAC can also be seen as a particularly tough task, PG电子官方免费下载中小企业对该地区的出口目前落后于欧洲同行. 研究表明,由于距离遥远,他们觉得这很有挑战性, 文化差异, 感知业务风险, and also their own bottlenecks in terms of limited resources, 等.

There are great business opportunities for Swedish companies, 尤其是因为环境可持续性仍然是该地区面临的最大挑战, leading to a large appetite for new, 可持续的创新. And this, of course, is the hallmark of Swedish companies.


毕竟, 20多个国家组成了亚太市场,这是一个拥有多元文化的巨大地区, 宗教, languages and social trends that differ from city to city. This is where Business PG电子官方免费下载 can help. 我们在整个地区拥有一支由150多名业务开发人员组成的团队, 他们对不同市场的每个角落都有深入的了解.